Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another big milestone...

Well, today was Parker's first day of kindergarten and he did great! He really seemed to enjoy it. He was most excited about remembering his lunch number. And he also is able to finally tie his shoes! (and he said, Mommy taught me to do it!). He said the best part of the day was playing with Avery, who is a little girl in his class who went to preschool with him. He and Avery are also at the same table in their classroom. He also said that they jumped rope and played with hoola-hoops at PE. It was a good first day of kindergarten. I just pray that it continues! Once I download my pictures from my camera, I will post first day of kindergarten pictures!


  1. I am so happy for sweet Parker!

  2. hey marguerite! i love blogs, i'm so glad to find yours! i taught K-1 for ten years and remembering that lunch # is HUGE! i'm glad he's enjoying kindgergarten!! he and mollie are both ADORABLE. :) i'll be checking back to keep up with you guys!
